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Beer Festivals around Wetherby in 2010

Event Date(s) Venue Website NotesSorted descending
Boston Spa Beer Festival February 19-20 Boston Spa Village Hall Very well organised and attended. For me the best beers were Ilkley Brewery Mary Jane and Crown Brewery Stannington Stout
East Keswick Beer Festival October 9 East Keswick Village Hall From 12 noon. Take the 99 bus from Wetherby at 11:40.
The Bramham Festivale September 11 Bramham Village Hall From 12 noon. Take the 770 bus from Wetherby at 11.22. The website is from last year - hopefully it will be updated with this years details soon
Clifford Beer Festival June 19 Clifford Village Hall From 12 noon. Take the 770 bus from Wetherby at 11.22
Tockwith Beer Festival May 8 Tockwith Village Hall From 12 noon. Take the 413 Arriva bus from Wetherby at 11:10. The 412 at 12:10 gets you there for 12:30.
Knaresborough Charity Beer Festival July 23-24 Plompton Mill Bar, Lido Leisure Park From 12 noon. Organised by Roosters. Take the 780 bus from Wetherby at 11:05. Last return from Knaresborough is at 18:35
Thorner Beer Festival April 24 Victory Hall, Thorner 30 cask beers & ciders from 12 noon. Take the 770 bus from Wetherby at 11.22
Harrogate Charity Beer Festival February 25-27 Harrogate International Centre  
Leeds Beer, Cider & Perry Festival March 18-20 Pudsey Civic Hall  
FEVA & Knaresborough Lions August 14-15 Knaresborough House  

Hopefully Wetherby will have one or two again this year. The first was the Wetherby Beer Festival on July 4 2009 with the Great Yorkshire Beer Festival on October 30-31. Fingers crossed smile

Looking for festivals further afield? Have a look at

If you can't wait for the above, or thirst gets you in between times, there's always the Muse in Wetherby. Six real ales on draught: two of those being Copper Dragon and Black Sheep offerings (regulars are Golden Pippin and Black Sheep) and four guest beers, usually from Yorkshire breweries but some occasionally one from a little further afield. They do good food too.

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